Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet

Dread it, run from it… Blogging arrives nonetheless

Long story short, I'm trying to do a couple of things to turn things around, largely in trying to get my creative juices flowing again to see if that helps out with the dull monotony that is life at the moment. So to that end, here is one of the branches I've decided to re-explore!


Why the world needs movies

Films are an interesting beast within society.  If you want to get a job in the industry, people mock you and say you'll fail.   But when they get home, all they do is consume moving images on their television all evening.  And this applies to all the arts:  whether they sit at home and play games; they go out to the theater to watch a show; they sit and read a book; or simply go out for meal and enjoy the visuals that the restaurant provides.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Sending a great show off with a 21-Fingergun Salute

Today is a sad day.  Today is the day in which Fox cancelled (yet again) a great television series which - whilst being late to the party - I have come to adore.  But alas, we must not be sad.  For though Brooklyn Nine-Nine has been removed from Fox's schedule there may yet be hope in some other studio picking it up to continue the ongoing tales of the last police department that you would want working on your case (as either the criminal or the victim to be honest).